Summary: In the article, the author describes a method that Horne uses to portray the relationship between the bully, the victim, and the bystander.
Deviant Phrase: "Performing an illusion with chains," refers to Horner's attempt to encourage the students to create a chain reaction so they can make a difference in their communities.
Deviant Phrase: "Stretched its neck and closed in on the girl's nose," illustrates how the bullies try to instill fear in their victims.
Vocabulary: A "bystander," is a person who is present at an event without participating in it.
Abstract Connection: The video inspires viewers to be more eco-friendly by sending on the message and forming a chain reaction, whereas the article encourages students to stop the bullying by linking together to change their schools and communities.
Abstract Connection: Friends and family of the victim gathered to fight back against domestic violence after she was shot and killed by her boyfriend.The victim's daughter addressed victims of domestic violence saying they should, "speak out and let somebody know." In the article, Horner was more concerned whether or not the students would take the necessary action to put an end to bullying.
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